Stupid And Sometimes Not So Stupid Stuff

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:01 pm

Lawrence: A bullet fired from an AR-15 travels 3x faster than one from a handgun.

And yet the president and the NRA think giving teachers guns will stop a school shooter

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) February 23, 2018

Also remember that Reagan was surrounded by the secret service in 1981…yet, he was shot.
How will teachers with guns protect students?
How does the best marksman in the world with a handgun take down a shooter with an AR-15 (bullets travel 3x faster)

— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) February 23, 2018 ... n-physics/

And there you have it.
A handgun is useless against someone with a rifle because the rifle bullet will hit the person with hand gun first because it travels faster. Or something like that.
My head hurts
There are criminals among us who are both homicidal and incorrigible. Their parents took a shot at civilizing them and failed. Their school teachers took a shot at them and failed. The odds are overwhelming that government welfare programs and penal institutions took a shot at them and failed. If it ever becomes your turn to take a shot at them, don’t fail.

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by jackalo626 » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:45 pm

WLJ wrote:
Brook describes “heterosexuality” as an issue that needs to be fixed. “So far I have suggested that in feminist, gender and sexuality studies, heterosexuality is a problem, and a problem resistant to any easy solution,” she wrote.

Brook suggests “heterosexuality” could benefit from “queering.”
Flinders University Professor Writes About the ‘Horrors’ of Heterosexuality ... sexuality/

How was that person born? Maybe they need to be told since they don't know.

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by Rem700 » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:52 pm

WLJ wrote:

Lawrence: A bullet fired from an AR-15 travels 3x faster than one from a handgun.

And yet the president and the NRA think giving teachers guns will stop a school shooter

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) February 23, 2018

Also remember that Reagan was surrounded by the secret service in 1981…yet, he was shot.
How will teachers with guns protect students?
How does the best marksman in the world with a handgun take down a shooter with an AR-15 (bullets travel 3x faster)

— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) February 23, 2018 ... n-physics/

And there you have it.
A handgun is useless against someone with a rifle because the rifle bullet will hit the person with hand gun first because it travels faster. Or something like that.
My head hurts
The bullets will hit in mid air and the rifle round will stop the pistol round and then push both rounds into the pistol shooter, hence they will be shot twice. Its science! :llama:

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:44 pm

Please tell me this did not actually happen

Students in Louisiana thought this math symbol looked like a gun. Police were called
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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:23 pm

Aaaaannd arming teachers is, you guessed it, racist

You Realize Arming Teachers Is Going To Lead To Black Students Getting Murdered By Their Teacher, Right?
If you give public employees guns they will turn them on black people. ... her-right/
There are many reasons to be against President Wayne LaPierre Donald Trump’s idea to arm teachers in public schools. It’s dangerous. It’s expensive. It changes the core-competency of “teaching.” And, you know, it’s not actually going to deter mass shooters.

But there’s one more problem that I’m sure most white people haven’t thought about yet: arming American teachers will directly result in students of color being shot to death at school.

I know that because the only other group of public employees that is armed at the behest of the state shoots unarmed people of color on the reg. The cops actually receive extensive training on how to use their firearms, how to asses threats, and how to deescalate situations, and yet they still murder innocent civilians all the time.

Giving a teacher a gun is ASKING them to be afraid. It makes poor judgment a homicidal offense. And that danger will be borne by black and brown students. The students who make teachers “afraid” just by their very existence.

We’ll be telling teachers to shoot armed terrorists breaching the school. What’s really going to happen is an unarmed black truant loitering in a hallway he’s not supposed to be in who gets shot eight times by the jumpy choir director.

Oh, she’ll feel just awful about her mistake. But a jury of her peers will never convict her of a crime.

One can assume that the legal system will treat armed teachers just like cops. Civilians are not allowed to discharge their weapons in public places except in the most extreme of circumstances, but cops are allowed to pop a cap in anything that frightens them. We’ve learned that cops are cowards who are easily spooked. The bar for a frightened teacher will be even lower. Having told the community that armed teachers are necessary to protect children, no jury is going to convict a teacher just because he or she mistakenly perceived a threat. And white America will rally around the poor teacher who emptied his clip into a “loud,” “aggressive” student of color who “has a history” of smoking cigarettes behind the school and getting into fights.

I can see the media reports now: “D’LaQuan Freedman was shot dead after threatening local teacher Miss Mary Priss with projectile chicken nuggets. Priss believed Freedman had a gun in his lunchbox, which in fact only contained a Pokemon ball believed stolen from a white child. Though just eight, Freedman’s permanent record revealed that the large, athletic boy received detention three whole times since his parents divorced, late last year.”

America is entirely too racist to arm teachers. Our legal system is INCAPABLE of holding public employees to account for murdering minorities. Black and brown students should not have to die because disgruntled white boys are shooting up their schools.
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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:43 pm

And arming women would only land them in jail

Note: The quotes are broken up because that's how they have them at the source
In addition to the overwhelming research that shows guns are more likely to kill than protect women, it’s also fairly clear what would happen if women did arm themselves against rapists and abusers.

If a woman was raped and found not to be carrying a weapon, would we blame her for being foolish in the same way culture does now when women are attacked at night, or after they’ve had a drink?

Over the last few months, we’ve seen the way women are treated when they dared to simply out the men who hurt them – does anyone really believe women shooting them would somehow go over better?
And at what point should a woman who fears being raped shoot her attacker? Should she pull the trigger when he ignores her first “no”? After he pushes her on to a bed? Or would a woman need to wait until penetration is literally about to occur to shoot, just to be sure?
Somehow I don’t have faith that a court system that continually fails and blames rape victims would be very kind to women who kill their attackers. In fact, women who have tried to protect themselves from sexual or domestic violence haven’t been lauded as second-amendment heroes – they’ve been arrested.

Marissa Alexander was sent to prison after firing just a warning shot at her abusive husband. Bresha Meadows was just 14 years old when she shot her father in an attempt to protect her family from him – she was charged with aggravated murder. In both cases, not a peep was heard from the NRA. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that neither Meadows or Alexander is white. ... ear-today/
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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:55 am

Gun control is racist
Not having gun control is racist
I'm so confused!

There’s a Theory That if Black People Buy Guns, It Could Stop the NRA’s War on Kids; It Won’t ... 1823167744
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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by kokopelli » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:13 am

I think the only solution to fix society is to turn off the internet so that the reality of stupid people and their stupid thoughts and opinions are not readily disseminated to the majority of civilization.

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by ssracer » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:41 am

I was actually thinking about that the other day when I was countering a “the 2A was written when all guns were muskets” argument with “the 1A was written when pen and quill were communication” and I suddenly realized....advancements in technology related to the first amendment have done far more harm to this country than any advancements in technology related to the second amendment. Lies and stupidity spread like wildfire across the internet.

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:19 am

It's all because of race, race I tall ya!

The reason guns cannot be regulated in the USA is because of the violence, not in spite of it. The violence is necessary to maintain the fear, and the fear is necessary to maintain white male privilege. The idea that white men can and do shoot people causes every interaction with a white man to carry a tinge of threat: If you disrespect him, or merely fail to please him enough, he just might explode. When they say that two dozen dead children are the price we pay for freedom, what they mean is that they are willing to pay that price to preserve white male privilege. As recent events demonstrate, white male privilege is the preeminent policy goal for them, outweighing even honor, truth, and democracy. That they pursue it through terrorism should not be surprising; it was ever thus. That they cannot admit their true goal, even to themselves, is a side-effect of the defeat of the Confederacy. They cannot bear to be called a "racist" because to them, that term evokes "loser." When the South lost, we tied the shame of defeat to the cause of racism, hoping to kill it. Instead, it appears we have killed shame.

The supreme irony, of course, is that Australia still has plenty of white male privilege. While it is in retreat, it can hardly said to be dead. It's just not purchased with the blood of children.
The rest at
'White Male Privilege' and Other Themes of Gun Culture ... re/554030/

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:36 am

"A handgun [wound] is simply a stabbing with a bullet. It goes in like a nail." With the high-velocity rounds of the AR-15, "it’s as if you shot somebody with a Coke can." #BanAssaultWeapons
— Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) February 26, 2018
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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by ssracer » Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:33 am

I love when they try to sound like they understand firearms

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:54 am

New term "FULL Semi-Automatic"
So much over the top fear mongering in the video ... stonished/
There are criminals among us who are both homicidal and incorrigible. Their parents took a shot at civilizing them and failed. Their school teachers took a shot at them and failed. The odds are overwhelming that government welfare programs and penal institutions took a shot at them and failed. If it ever becomes your turn to take a shot at them, don’t fail.

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:09 am

Open mouth
Insert foot
Wiggle toes
“I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon, and I think most of the people in this room would have done that too.” President Donald Trump
There are criminals among us who are both homicidal and incorrigible. Their parents took a shot at civilizing them and failed. Their school teachers took a shot at them and failed. The odds are overwhelming that government welfare programs and penal institutions took a shot at them and failed. If it ever becomes your turn to take a shot at them, don’t fail.

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:13 am

Meanwhile in Broward County

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:25 pm

Anti gun but not anti violence, imagine that.
Dickheads like this are one of the reasons I carry a gun.

Student-Led Anti-Gun Rally Turns Violent, Arrests Made ... n-saavedra
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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:47 pm

Well now, this doesn't help

UPDATE: Parkland shooting survivor’s father ADMITS to altering his evidence that CNN scripted town hall question ... -question/
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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:47 am

TDS example # 45,528

Because, you know, nothing bad ever happened under Obama.

Barbara Streisand Blames School Shooting on Trump: He 'Brings Out Violence In People' ... e-n2455127
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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by ssracer » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:51 am

To be fair...he certainly has seemed to bring out the violent face of the

But yeah...this is the first time a school shooting has been blamed on a president

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:51 am

And just in time to be banned.
Stupid or not their timing certainly sucks

FFD – Fast Fire Device Simulates Full Auto For Glock ... re-device/
There are criminals among us who are both homicidal and incorrigible. Their parents took a shot at civilizing them and failed. Their school teachers took a shot at them and failed. The odds are overwhelming that government welfare programs and penal institutions took a shot at them and failed. If it ever becomes your turn to take a shot at them, don’t fail.

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by jackalo626 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:15 am

WLJ wrote:New term "FULL Semi-Automatic"
So much over the top fear mongering in the video ... stonished/
Noticed that term gaining traction.

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by KDV » Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:50 am


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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:59 pm

Is this The Courier Journal or the Onion? ... 380981002/
This is the single most ridiculous piece of proposed legislation in a quarter century
Joseph Gerth, Opinion Columnist | Louisville Courier Journal Published 3:05 p.m. ET Feb. 28, 2018

There's nothing that riles me up more than politicians who waste time and government resources with unnecessary or redundant bills that do nothing but stir their bases.

State Reps. Mary Lou Marzian and Jim Wayne, a couple of Louisville Democrats, are at it this week.

On Tuesday, they filed a ridiculous constitutional amendment that calls for doing away with the Kentucky House and Senate, and turning all power over to the American Legislative Exchange Council, the Koch Brothers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.

I have never, in 24 years of writing about the Kentucky legislature, seen a bigger waste of taxpayer money. The time that it took some poor legislative staffer to research the legislation, write the bill, print it to be distributed to other legislators and the media could have been spent in other, more needed ways.

And for what?

To do something that's been in effect since 2017.

I mean, seriously!

More columns from Joseph Gerth

►This rural awmaker is turning his back on the NRA and supporting students
►The NCAA has no moral authority to penalize the University of Louisville
►Bevin protects the NRA while our children keep dying in school shootings

Those groups have been in charge of the Kentucky Senate for a couple of decades now, and Kentucky's voters turned over the House to them in the 2016 election.

Now, the Koches, the legislative exchange council, et al, can pass all the legislative proposals they want that help business, no matter how badly they hurt you or the environment or the state workers who have spent their careers serving you.

Caps on medical malpractice cases? You bet.

Limits on workers comp awards? Sure thing.

Slashing unemployment benefits? Certainly.

Limiting the amount the attorney general can pay for outside legal counsel when suing big businesses? Why haven't we done that already?

The conservative groups that Marzian and Wayne want to vest power with already control the state. The Kentucky General Assembly is simply a formality.

The only organization they left out is the NRA, which has been controlling the legislature for years, no matter which party held control of the House and Senate.

My only question is why stop with abolishing the House and Senate.

I know a governor who's in the pocket of big business, too.
There are criminals among us who are both homicidal and incorrigible. Their parents took a shot at civilizing them and failed. Their school teachers took a shot at them and failed. The odds are overwhelming that government welfare programs and penal institutions took a shot at them and failed. If it ever becomes your turn to take a shot at them, don’t fail.

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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by WLJ » Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:18 pm

jackalo626 wrote:
WLJ wrote:New term "FULL Semi-Automatic"
So much over the top fear mongering in the video ... stonished/
Noticed that term gaining traction.

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How long before someone engraves that on an AR lower?
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Re: Stupid Stuff

Post by PDM » Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:58 pm

"The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or the state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people."
Tench Coxe

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