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Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:02 pm
by Elkins45
Nobody bitched when they made kids wear pants to school. Or shoes.

I think if Beshear came out in favor of hand washing there would be people juggling dogshit and screaming “you can’t make me.” I also think if Trump had done a big pro-mask push then Hollywood and the Democrats would have gone on a giant “We Breathe Free” anti-mask propaganda campaign.

People are willing to buy anything so long as they think the salesman is someone on their team.

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:51 pm
by Rem700
So my question for you all is how much is too much? At what point in your world are the demands, exec orders, lock downs, masking etc. excessive? It is all perceived safety IMO. Too much skewed data on both sides so we really don't know what is real and what is a lie.

So again how much will you give up in the name of "safety for all"?

BTW....when did kids not wear pants to school? lol i must have missed that history lesson.

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:58 pm
by PDM
I posted this on the pit but I think it got buried too quick

What are we teaching our children?

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:25 pm
by Toddstang
The irony of this whole dam thing is that China gets away with murder.

True leadership would have done something about it.

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:24 pm
by KYgundude
Rem700 wrote:
Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:51 pm
So my question for you all is how much is too much?
This is what communicable diseases do. They are takers of opportunity. If it can jump and mutate to a stronger version to more efficiency kill us in someone else, it will. It will keep jump until it has no place to jump. "Too much" was way to long ago, but we failed. We failed over misinformation and politics. If we were all vaxxed and wore masks like the scientists tell us to, this would be over but we don't believe in science....

Well, we do believe in convenient science. Science kicks ass when it takes a pizza order, beams it into space and back down to Dominos, in 4 seconds, all via a tiny device in our pockets. We dig science there. Mixing coal salt peter and, sulfur make guns go boom?? Science!! Internal combustion! Science yo! . How about that 80" TV we watch the Superbowl via more science from space.

Masks prevent the transfer of air-born particles that carry disease? Vaccines help our body build an army of antibodies to fight a disease? Are you fucking kidding me? Keep your damn witchcraft to yourself.

Science! It kicks ass when it's convenient. :llama: :llama: :llama:

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:38 pm
by Rem700
I disagree that this would be over. The vaccine has proved so far to not stop people from getting it, the jury is still out on if it lessens the symptoms. Masks proved ineffective as there was almost no correlation between mandates and the spread or lack there of and I partially blame that on the skewed data presented to us and what they choose and don’t choose to track. So we really don’t know.

Also this isn’t a vaccine by definition it is genome therapy and again the jury is out on effectiveness. We won’t know for years the good or bad effects or effectiveness.

On a different note, politicians will not let a crisis go to waste. So even if it was over, it wouldn’t be over.

So really you didn’t answer my question at all. You threw out some talking points and got upset about people not believing the science despite credible scientists on both sides having different opinions based on various studies.

I also understand you come from an emotional stand point on this because of your wife. That is extremely scary. I have had at least 3 times in my marriage where there was a good chance my wife could die. Not a good feeling. So I sympathize with you on that point.

I truly am not trying to argue on this for either side at this point. I just want to know others opinions and view points on it and it still amazes me how staunch people are in there belief about what this is and does despite the fact that none of us really know squat about it. Some know more than others but most of us simply know what the news and headlines told us to know.

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:51 pm
by PDM

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:02 pm
by PDM
Toddstang wrote:The irony of this whole dam thing is that China gets away with murder.

True leadership would have done something about it.
Not irony. Conspiracy. Fauci, among others, funded it, and they're all trying to bury it

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:51 pm
by irishrob
After debating it for a while, I took the vaccine because of personal reasons. If you didn’t take it, that’s your choice. Do I care? No. Work keeps flip flopping on if we have to wear a mask or not. If it’s not mandatory I don’t. That’s my choice. If you don’t, that’s your choice. People can make their own choices but then need to take personal responsibility for anything that happens to them because of that choice.
I agree they are skewing numbers to fit their agenda.

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 6:20 pm
by Rem700
I said to my boss a long time ago that personal responsibility would fix 90% of the “problems” our county has. But IMO current culture is teaching the opposite of personal responsibility. People are being conditioned to always look for an outside enemy.

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:08 pm
by PDM
Rem700 wrote:I said to my boss a long time ago that personal responsibility would fix 90% of the “problems” our county has. But IMO current culture is teaching the opposite of personal responsibility. People are being conditioned to always look for an outside enemy.
That's the same problem with safety first

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:21 pm
by Toddstang
The mask that 99% of the population are forced to wear will not stop the spread (or stop you from catching) of an airborne virus like this covid variant.
Has anyone else but myself taken Hazmat respirator tests?
The masks even do little to stop harmful airborne particles.
Go into a ventilated room and paint for one hour with a regular mask on and then go blow your nose. What ever color you painted is going to be in your snot rag.
The masks don't do shit. Pants and shoes do.

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:40 pm
by PDM
An n95 mask properly fitted is pretty dang good at keeping stuff out

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:41 pm
by PDM
I've been fitted for respirators too

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:42 pm
by nemo
The typical mask people wear are little more than thick t-shirt material. Even good medical grades are only rated for 4-6 hours of use before replace. I have a GOOD 3M full mask with N95+ filters, I could paint/sand for an hour and not smell a thing till I take it off. It's HOT, UNCOMFORTABLE and EXPENSIVE. Few would buy one just for work, much less wear it in public.

Re: Indiana doctor drops a vaccine nuke on school board

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:05 pm
by PDM